- LPMUD Name:
The Shattered World.
- Open Since:
August, 1990
We don't advertise because it attracts undesirables,
and wastes network bandwidth to the US.
We are open to the public and visitors upon request.
- Hours open:
5:30pm through to 8:30am Australian Eastern Standard Time for players.
Wizards may code 24 hours per day. We run a separate
wizard mud (connected to the same mudlib) for this purpose.
- Registration Requirements:
- Administrator/s:
Dredd aka geoff@molly.cs.monash.edu.au
- Driver/Server version:
We currently support three driver versions. Two have been
built from 2.1 (initially) but have been substantially re-written
and re-worked. One (mike's) has been written from the ground up.
- Game/Mudlib version:
Our own version, once in the deep dark past it started from a 2.0 mudlib.
- Release information:
If you want any of our stuff (and you don't have a problem acknowledging
who wrote the code like some other people out there) mail me and
I'll see what can be done.
- Machine Type:
Personal decstation 5000.
- Machine Memory:
24 Megs.
- Machine Disks:
NFS mounted (and shared) 512 meg disk.
- Machine OS:
Ultrix 4.2A.
- Typical CPU Load by LPMUD:
- Typical Memory Load by LPMUD:
10 Megs
- Typical CPU Load by other users:
- Typical Memory Load by other users:
- Disk space free on host machine:
- Disk space used by documentation:
1-2 Megs.
- Disk space used by driver/server:
around 10 Megs for each driver.
- Disk space used by game/mudlib:
20 Megs
- Total number of player characters:
in what time frame?
- Average number of players online:
This is very dependent on the time of day and time of year;
generally from 4-10; occasionally 20+. This is a result of
our policy to not fill the bandwidth of important lines.
- Total number of wizard characters:
about 20.
- Average number of wizards online:
around 4.
- Total Number of Quests Available:
19 standard player quests last time I checked. Lords also have
special quests. Some guilds implement mini-quests too.
- General Information about Quests:
Explicit information about quests is available at guilds
and other appropriate places throughout the mud.
- Number of Quests Required for Levels:
No levels; you get a varying number of quest points per quest
depending on the quest's difficulty.
- Number of Quests Required for Wizardhood:
You should have 50 quest points before applying to become a wizard
(we sometimes consider special circumstances favourably).
- Other (if any) Requirements for Wizardhood:
You need to make a written application to a "god" on the mud.
We'll consider the application and give you temporary wiz status (if
applicable). You then get to do a wiztest sometime in the near future,
if you pass this test you can be then considered a full time wizard.
- Player Advancement beyond/instead of Wizardhood:
As we have no levels (or experience points as such) the main aim
is to to do quests. Once you have completed all the quests
you are elevated to the status of "Lord". Lords compete between
themselves to become King/Queen as appropriate. Lords also become
head of their own "cult" (a type of guild) in which they can recruit
players and aquire powers for their members.
- Number/type of available genders:
male, female, other.
- Number/type of available classes:
we dislike rigidity.
- Number/type of available guilds:
At least 7 last time I checked. Knights, Berserkers, Healers,
Demon Summoners, Thieves, Mages and, Punks. Always work being
done of this type of thing.
- Number/type of available skills:
No fixed set of skills; new guilds (and new code in general) tends
to introduce new skills.
- Number/type of available races:
- Arachean - spider race.
- Archon - demon spawn race.
- Draconian - dragon descendant race.
- Galandrian - nomad race.
- Grmkel - slug descendant race.
- Human - boring race.
- Mephit - fire creatures.
- Triton - water based race.
- Genre/Mood/Theme:
- Primary Orientation:
We hope to provide a multi-faceted mud with enough interest to
sustain many "primary" orientations.
- Policy on Player Killing:
None in the main city, although this is policed by a player run
judicial system.
- Policy on Individual Privacy:
You're on the internet - there is none!
But seriously we discourage wizards from ad hoc snooping believing
that players do have the right to feel they can talk freely.
- Policy on Multiple Characters:
It's ok, if you can't beat them join them!
- Policy on Player/Wizard Interactions:
We strongly discourage wizards assisting players but other interaction
is accepted. This fine line is measured by "gods" and "elders".
- Policy on Coding Style:
Quality not quantity. Originality - We hate copying. Wizards should
aim to minimise the amount of code and the number of files they create,
while still maintaining a fully fledged functionality.
- Policy on Making Wizard:
No frobs although we do promote some people to wizard temporarily
if they're itching to have a look around.
- Policy on General Rules:
We reserve the right to override existing rules whenever it
pleases us. A complex written set of laws is available
and administered by the players; these laws contain the
ability to be amended by the players.
- Policy on Disciplinary Actions:
We reserve the right to decide :-)
- Policy on Retension/Reimbursment:
Items are saved through crashes, although you can't quit and
keep your items (although if you have a home items may be
stored there.)
- Policy on "Wimpy":
We have it, mainly for OS players on slow links.
- Announcement:
If you're read the r.g.m groups of the past 3 years you will have
seen our posts; we need no specific announcement, indeed
the fact that the MudOS people spend so much time trying to
denigrade what we've done (and claim it as their own) really
speaks for itself.